Frequently asked Questions


What is SF (Spring Fling)
Spring Fling is our annual dance recital. It is usually held on the first Saturday of June at either Burbank or Burroughs High School. Costumes are paid for during the first three weeks of the winter session. Dancers must register in both the winter and spring sessions to participate. Because dancers perform as a team, there are mandatory class attendance requirements which become more stringent in the intermediate and advanced level classes. There is a mandatory rehearsal at the high school the week before the recital.


 Are parents allowed to watch class?
Parents and guardians over the age of 18 are allowed to watch class. Siblings under the age of 18 are only allowed to sit in the toddler and me classes.

 Can I videotape or take photos during class?
No. Texting, reading, knitting and activities other than watching the class are also not allowed. Cell phones must be turned on silent and put out of sight. Please step out of class if you need to take a personal call.

 If I miss a class can I make it up? No. Park and Rec policy does not allow classes to be made up.

 Can I enroll after class have started?
Park and Rec policy allows for enrollment ONLY until the beginning of the second class.

 What if I am late for class?
If you are a parent, change your child into dance shoes before entering the classroom. Enter quietly, put on your child’s name tag, and have them
wait by your side until the
teacher indicates that the class is between exercises and your child can join.

When can I start pointe work? To begin pointe work dancers must have adequate strength and technique. Most dancers can begin pointe work
after at least three years of continuous training and upon
reaching the age of 11.

Is there a dress code?
Yes. Please refer to the dress code section found under the Schedule section in the top tool bar of the homepage.


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